Winter 2008
Please read: Rules for programming assignments
See how well you did compared to class
on midterm 1
Practice for your final
Multiple choice questions
Practice for your midterm: #2
Sample Midterm 2 for study
Problems using
Tutoring available for the class:
UCSC has a tutoring program available
to all students in some classes. Our class (CMPS060G) is one of them
This link has been
Final Project
Using strings with iostream programs:
If you want to use strings with iostream programs include the following in
your program:
#include <iostream.h>
#include <cstring.h>
#include "francast.h"
To use strings in your
programs include francast.h and franca04.h in this order
Using wireless service on campus (CruzNet)
If you use CruzNet wireless service on campus, you may have trouble to use
the "LOGIN" section. This means you may NOT be able to take quizzes or see the
lab material if you are using the wireless service. This happens because CruzNet blocks
some methods of Internet access.
I am working to see if this problem can be solved. In the meantime, use a
regular Internet connection when you need to take your quizzes.
Important reminder:
Lab assignments are due at the
end of each lab session. Under special circumstances, the supervisor can let you
demonstrate a final version of a program at the beginning of the next lab session. This is
only in case a substantial work was done during the session where the assignment was due.
Any assignment demonstrated
after the due session is NOT ELIGIBLE for credit.
Download files you need:
You need to download franca04.h
Include both: francast.h and franca04.h in this order
see instructions here:
with strings this is NOT in your book!
Instructor: |
Paulo Franca -
- office:E2 - 259 (Engineering new Building)
- phone: 9-3691 (I am not reliable with voice mail)
- office hours:
- Tu 1:00 - 1:45 PM or by appointment
Ta: |
Nishant email: |
Evaluation: |
- Labs - Progr. assignments: 20%
- lab grades will consist of:
- attendance 10%
- preparation quiz: 20%
- programming work: 50%
- lab work quiz: 20%
- Homework Quizzes: 10%
- Final Project: 10%
- Exams: 60% (1 may be optional)
- midterm 1
- midterm 2
- final
- The written exam average is
computed by taking the average of the three exams (mid 1, mid 2
and final). However, if you have 80% or
more attendance to the class (classroom, not labs!) you
may request that the average be computed by considering the two
best exam grades (this way you can even skip the final).
- Passing the class:
- You need at least 50% in the exams and at
least 50% in the labs in order to pass the class.
- Your overall score must be over 50% to pass.
- You need at least 70% attendance to labs to
- Letter grades are assigned competitively
(sorry, it is the law)
C++ No Experience
Required - Paulo Franca - Sybex
Note: This book is OUT OF PRINT -
You can freely download the actual text from
For your convenience, you can also order a copy at the Copy
- You can get the Turbo C++ suite from Borland:
- This is NOT required, but will be very helpful. It costs $49.99
- Try this link: Turbo
C++ Suite
- Please Note the Installation
- This is the same compiler that you have in the labs.
- You need a windows computer, this does not work with Mac's.
You may also consider Microsoft Visual C++6 or 5.
Do not get any other compiler! They will NOT work for this class.
Class meetings:
- Lab sections
- Lab sections are mandatory. Choose one section and
stick with it